The benefits and Efficacy of fruit fruits for man Duku - Duku is a fruit that comes from Southeast Asia to the West, fruit Duku has many once many such manifold, kokosan, pisitan, and others, this fruit is the fruit of the tribes of the Meliaceae.
Many have assumed if this fruit is a fruit that has the content of that bitter moment in eating, frankly if the seeds from the fruit this would indeed be bitten #duku bitter. But who would have thought the fruit turns out this one has a useful benefit for human beings, therefore, we will try to share the benefits of this Fruit Duku.
This fruit has a very useful benefit to humans, but not yet a lot of people are utilizing the fruits of this, duku therefore on this occasion we will try Fruit Benefits blog share about the benefits of Fruit Duku. Let's just go ahead we see below.
The Benefits Of The Fruit Of Human Duku
Improve the digestive system. Because the fruit contains dietary fiber Duku or high fiber, so it is useful to improve the digestive system, preventing colon cancer and rid the body of cancer-causing free radicals. For the calorie content of iron, minerals, and duku is a notch higher than an Apple or orange.
As a remedy intestinal worms, lowering fever heat, as well as help reduce diarrhea.
Here's how: take Seed fruit duku, then mash until smooth and then mixed with a little water. Drink to taste as needed. After that, we drink, once a day, once a quarter of drinking glasses.
Strengthen the teeth. Because the fruit contains phosphorus duku is good for teeth.
Treating insect bites poisonous venomous insect bites, malaria, and dysentery. Here's how: Take flour fruit bark duku, what is meant by flour bark duku is a kind of white powder that usually stuck to fruit bark duku. After taken then apply flour fruit bark the duku got the body that we are bitten or stung by Scorpions.
Some people also believe, Loranthus duku trees can treat and eradicate the cancer cells
To Repel Mosquitoes. The skin of the fruit is used to repel mosquitos by means of dried and then burned.
There is no more reason for us to waste the fruit the fruit on this one, since we already know the benefits of Fruit, well if this Duku you think our article is worthwhile then don't forget to share this article with your friends through social media like Facebook, twitter and Google Plus so that later the article is increasingly useful to many people, thank you.
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