The Benefits Of Red Betel Leaves For Health And Medicine

The benefits and efficacy of betel leaf red for treatment and health care, among them: vaginal discharge, treatment of acne On the face/face, and body health.

Benefits Of Betel Leaves As A Cure Vaginal Discharge

Benefits of betel leaves as a cure-never been clinically tested. This was disclosed by Amir Sharif from the Pharmacology of the University of Indonesia. He said that the betel leaf has benefited more meaningful compared to placebo.

Testing involving 40 patients sufferer white not being pregnant suffer from diabetes mellitus or disease of the liver and kidneys. 20 of whom get betel leaves, while the rest were given a placebo.

Both the betel leaf or a placebo was given on her pussy before the patient to sleep for seven days. Of the 40 patients, 22 people got a re-examination, each 11 got a placebo and betel leaf. The results of this testing proved about 90.9 percent of patients who got the betel leaf was declared cured, whereas in the group that was given a placebo only 54.5 percent only.

Benefits Of Betel Leaves For Health
  • Benefits of betel leaf can inhibit nosebleeds nasal with betel leaves to taste how to fold in order to fit the nose out clogging blood
  • The contents of the betel leaf eliminate bad breath by way of chewing betel leaves a few minutes (3 x a day) or boiled is the betel leaves used for gargling (2 x a day)
  • The contents of the betel leaf can treat diarrhea with how to puree 7 pieces of betel leaf, 6 seeds, pepper 1 spoon of coconut oil, sweep on the abdomen
  • The contents of the betel leaf can treat coughs by way of boiling the 5 pieces of betel leaf, 11th seed clove cubeb, 11, 11th seed cardamom, cinnamon, 2 cups of water, (for 3 times in a day)
  • The contents of the betel leaf can cure white boiled way betel leaf to taste, water used to clean the place of whiteness
  • The contents of the betel leaves may cure thrush by means of the wash clean chewable betel leaf and 2 until pulverized with a mouth to be the dregs
  • The contents of the betel leaves can heal Burns way destroy dau betel and add honey. apply to the burns
  • The contents of the betel leaf could heal ulcers with mashed up to betel way smooth. dau apply on the area around the boil boils. Balut with bandages
  • The contents of the betel leaf can cure acne by means of mashed 10 sheets of betel leaves, toss with 2 cups of hot water, when it's cool to use to wash their face a spotty
  • The contents of the betel leaf can cure the itch with boiled way 20 sheets of betel leaf, use warm water to wash away the itchy decoction
Benefits Of Betel Leaf To Treat Acne
Betel leaves to face and to wash your face with Acne.
Take 10 sheets of betel leaf, wash clean and smooth mashed. Seduh with two cups of hot water. Use the water to wash your face. Do 2-3 times a day, then it can get rid of acne

Efficacy of Betel Leaf For Acne

Take 12 pieces of betel leaves, then mix with a piece of ginger. Enter both in a cup or glass, then stir to a new hot water boil. Drink this concoction three times a day. It's good to get rid of acne and dark spots.

Well so the article benefits of betel leaf for Acne I provide, it may be beneficial to all, good luck.

That's the benefit of betel leaf and its usefulness for the human body, facial breakouts and vaginal discharge in women

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