Red Ginger Root Benefits For Health

Red ginger, this plant has a latin name Zingiber officinale varieties rubrum is one type of plant the rhizome that is already well known to be used as a drug ingredient and spice plants.

Its Rhizome has the shape of the fingers. The red ginger plant has a content of essential oil and has a spicy taste due to the ketone compound called zingeron.

Red ginger also includes part of the tribe Zingiberaceaeatau tribe of appointment-findings. The scientific name given to any plants, Ginger is named from the Greek namely zingiberi, and Sanskrit is singaberi, this name issued by world figures which have the name of William Roxburgh.

Red Ginger has typically used the benefit for medicinal plants herbs, which have been known since antiquity, especially in China. In China, the Ginger is used for traditional medicine cope with kidney disease, as well as to improve the work function of the spleen and in Arabia used to heating bodies.

But behind some of the benefits of this plant turns out not to be consumed by people who suffered from ulcer disease. Although the benefits contained in the Red Ginger is very high for natural treatment and can treat a variety of diseases.

But if people who have ulcers, caution is recommended or even not need to consume, to prevent things that are unwanted. Because the Red ginger contained compound zingeron, which can make the stomach in our body heat.

In addition to the people who suffered from ulcer disease, pregnant mothers are also advised not to consume this red ginger, ginger red has the content can harm your unborn child.

The following are some of the properties and benefits of Red Ginger for health:
  • As a herbal remedy cough.
    His potion making: prepare Red ginger Rhizome about 2 of each size of our thumbs, then wash the ginger red to clean and isn't their poop again, then prepare the water about 2 cups and boil until remaining just one glass. Drinking the decoction of Red ginger twice a day.
  • As a medicinal herb to treat weariness.
    Making his herb: take or provide approximately two each of Ginger Rhizome our thumbs, then prepare also two glasses of milk, then roasted ginger red embers, then grab the Red ginger with bladed slowly, then boiled red ginger with 2 cups of the milk to the boil, last drink concoction twice a day as well.
  • Red ginger can be used as herbal remedies a headache.
    Making his herb: take approximately 3 Red ginger, then wash the ginger until clean, burn Red ginger, and soak it in a glass of warm water with a little honey plus or with Palm sugar. Then drink the potion. do 2-3 times a day until a headache is gone.

Well, until here used to be a discussion of the benefits of ginger red hopefully a little discussion of the above article can be useful for all of us.

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