How To Naturally Treat The Disease Of Diabetes Mellitus

Treating Diabetes Mellitus – before I give about how to treat Diabetes naturally, keep in mind that diseases diabetes mellitus is a disease in which a person has the sugar levels in the body that exceed a threshold requirement of the body.

Diabetes mellitus, Indonesia has a number of names, i.e. blood sugar and diabetes. The disease also is one of the diseases that are difficult to be cured, but what's wrong if we try to treat.

Treating diabetes is also done with the two versions namely chemical, natural and chemically we must consume medicines to cure various diseases but is usually this way can also cause negative effects.

Well here I will give you a healthy treat diabetes tips tricks how to use medicinal plants as natural and proven can lower blood sugar.

And here are some herbs or herbal plant that could be used to lower blood sugar in the body:

Soursop Leaf

How to cure: take 10 sheets soursop leaves then boiled the leaves with 3 glasses of mineral water and let it air shrinks to 1 glass of a glass, then a drink of water decoction of soursop leaves it 3 times in a day.

Noni Fruit

The fruit of the Noni cures to improve pancreatic beta cells in and insulin receptors so that operations can return well. Siapkan2 noni fruit that is ripe and then grated one fruit to taste, then add the lime water do not a lot. Then Stir until evenly distributed. The last step of the water Squeeze the grated and then drink.

Knops Parang

This fruit we can use to decrease and treat diabetes, for it is required about 400-800 grams of pumpkin fruit parang already extracted to be eaten each day. In consumption can also be consumed directly or consumed with mashed (blended) first. But in consumption do not cook because in the knops parang contained saponins if cooked then simply applied right decreases.

Caulis Plants

Prepare approximately 6 cm Caulis plants, then wash to clean, after it cut Caulis. The next step was approximately one third Add handheld Sambiloto and one-third from the leaves of medicinal plants whiskers cat. Then boil all ingredients with three glasses of mineral water to boiling and the only remaining two glasses only. Drinking this herbal decoction after eating.

Green Tea
Prepare at least one teaspoon of green tea and then stir with boiling water or hot water, drink any consumable food.

Aloe Vera
Prepare at least 1 piece of material (sheets) of Aloe Vera and then wash with clean water until clean, put away the thorns that stuck to the Aloe Vera, cut into small pieces, Boil a small piece of Aloe Vera into three glasses of mineral water and allow it to stay one and a half glasses and drink 3 times a day after meals.

Well up here I used to expose how to treat diabetes in a natural way, may be for reference material and helpful.

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